
Why Your Attic and Roof May Be Wet On A Dry Winter Day

Often, during winter, homeowners are surprised to see water drips and droplets on attic ceilings, walls, and the underside of their roof, when it’s not even raining or snowing outside! As shown in the picture below, sometimes, it seems to those who own a home that their roof, wall, or ceilings are crying because of water droplets that appear around nails. After spending a lot of physical and emotional energy trying to figure out the source of the moisture, they end up calling professional roofing contractors, like South Shore Roofing, to investigate the source of wet wood in their home.

Many New England homeowners don’t realize that moisture can still build up in the top floor of their home or underneath their roof on cool, dry, winter days because of condensation challenges. Condensation occurs when attics are too warm and there’s no way for air to escape outdoors or to circulate. Sure, everyone would prefer that their attic feel warm & cozy when they need to visit it to bring down a treasured item that’s been tucked away in the attic. But, since most of us don’t spend a lot of time in our attics, and the trade-off of having a warm attic is the build-up of annoying and damaging moisture, we’re actually better off keeping our attics cool from home-damage, health, and cost perspectives.

How to Know If You Attic or Roof is Moisture-Challenged

In addition to beads of water on walls, ceilings, or your roof, you may notice these other common signs of a moist attic or roof:

  • Staining, discoloration or warping of wood or other attic materials
  • Foggy/frosty windows
  • Musty smells
  • Mold
  • Wood rot
  • Masonry deterioration

Why You Need to Address Attic and Roof Moisture

Left untreated, attic moisture can lead to some of the unpleasant, unfavorable conditions listed in the above-section of our blog. These can, in turn, lead to expensive, extensive home damage and associated repair costs, but most importantly, can make family members very ill.

How South Shore Roofing Experts Can Help

To prevent, moisture build-up and condensation, attic temperatures should be kept as cold as the outdoors. This can be accomplished simply through improved air ventilation and circulation in your attic – basically, you want air to be able to flow both in and out of your attic. Our team of roofing specialists can undertake the following to create better airflow, and ultimately, a colder atmosphere in your attic by installing:

  • Soffit vents underneath your gutters/in your attic’s eaves to let air flow into your attic.
  • Roof ventilation at the peak of your roof, known as a ridge vent or ridge venting, which allows air to flow out. This requires an opening to be cut across your roof’s peak to expose the attic below. A ridge vent is, then, placed over that opening to allow air to exit the attic.

Say Goodbye to Moisture, and Hello to a Healthier, Safer Home

Your family and your home are your most important assets. So if you believe your roof or attic are showing signs of moisture build-up, contact us today, so that our South Shore roofing company can assess your attic and roof situation.



3 Roofing Upgrades That Can Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

By Guest Blogger, Matt Lee, Innovative Building Materials

The overall outer appearance of your home is classified as its curb appeal. This appearance is significant in establishing good first impressions from guests, friends, and potential buyers later down the road. A dull front, with little visual appeal or aesthetic choices, will most likely result in a home with low curb appeal. However, if this reminds you of a home you recently purchased this is no cause to worry! There are several procedures a homeowner can undergo to increase their home’s appearance and attractiveness.

One of the foremost techniques you can use to increase your home’s curb appeal is renovating your home’s roof. These renovations can include work on your roof’s flashing, gutters, or the entire roof of your home. Each of these three renovations are discussed and explored further below. If you are a homeowner looking to boost your home’s curb appeal then the following is for you!

Repair Flashing

Your roof’s flashing is the collection of resistant paneling that surrounds your chimney, vents, valleys, and skylights. The overall purpose of flashing is to direct the flow of water on your roof away from these more vulnerable areas and into your gutter and drainage system. You should look to repair your flashing if it is missing or otherwise rusted, Not only can missing or rusted flashing lead to leaks in your roof, but it can also decrease the overall attractiveness of your home. In general, flashing is offered in a variety of materials including galvanized steel, PVC, and lead. However, the most common flashing materials are aluminum or copper.

Renovating or replacing your roof’s flashing is a great way to improve your home’s curb appeal. Both aluminum and copper flashing are perfect for most homes. These flashing materials also can be painted a variety of colors to match your garage trim, accent colors, and overall colorway of your home. This coordination will be sure to give your home a needed boost, and keep your roof safe from any leaks!

Update Gutters

The overall function of your roof’s gutter system is to provide the entire roof with drainage support. This gutter system should take water collected during a rain shower or winter weather event and transport it off of your roof through a maze of downspouts, gutters, and splash pans. Not only is this drainage system vital in terms of your roof’s overall performance, but a new, well installed gutter system can also give your home a refreshing look. This refreshing look can do wonders for your home’s curb appeal.

Drainage system updates can be installed on your home in a variety of styles. The most common styles of gutters and downspouts offered by roofing professionals are classified as half-round gutters, k-style, box style, or curved style gutters. Pairing the perfect gutter system with your home is a great way to simultaneously improve your roof’s effectiveness and the overall appearance of your home. At first your home’s gutters, like different driveway paving ideas, may be overlooked when searching for ways to increase curb appeal. However, properly installed gutters can give your roof a seamless and sleeker look.

Install a New Roof

So, you had your roof checked by a roofing professional, and there was no damage to your home’s flashing or drainage system. However, the professional you consulted told you that your roof was at the end of its lifespan. While having a new roof installed on your house can be stressful and financially anxious, it is the perfect exterior upgrade to give your home a new stylish look.

When having a new roof installed on your home, you can choose from a variety of roofing shingles, such as impact resistant shingles, metal shingles that are flame-resistant, and other materials meant to mimic wood and other materials. These different materials can be used to simultaneously improve the strength of your home’s roof and the visual aesthetic of your home. A new roof can do wonders for your home’s curb appeal.

Enjoy Your New Roof!

 Your home’s curb appeal is a combination of a large list of exterior factors including landscaping, siding, your front door, and yes, of course your home’s roof. Overall, the roofing upgrades discussed previously can have an immediate impact on your home’s curb appeal. If you are looking to increase the visual aesthetic of your home’s roof first take a look at its flashing and drainage system. Then after that, you can decide if you want to have a new roof installed on your home!

Matt Lee is the owner of the Innovative Building Materials blog and a content writer for the building materials industry. He is focused on helping fellow homeowners, contractors, and architects discover materials and methods of construction that save money, improve energy efficiency, and increase property value.

How to Decorate Your Home for a Safe and Fun Halloween 2020

Pumpkins on the steps of a houseWith the upcoming holidays and the COVID pandemic still an issue, it’s easy to start feeling a little sad and confused about how to celebrate. We all want to feel connected to our communities and stay in touch with our neighbors, but it’s also important to stay healthy and keep others healthy as well. You can read the CDC guidelines for the holidays here.

Many South Shore towns aren’t having trick-or-treating (well, at least not in it’s traditional form) due to public health concerns. Luckily, there are still some ways you can have fun and connect with your community this fall. Here at South Shore Roofing, we have a few tips on how you can decorate your house and yard for trick-or-treaters and fall enthusiasts alike.

  1. Carve pumpkins. Pumpkin carving is still in! Thankfully, this timeless holiday tradition is still a great way to celebrate the season. Pick up a few big pumpkins at your local farmer’s market or farm stand and get carving. On a warm day, pumpkin carving is an excellent socially distanced activity to do with friends and family. And when you’re done, the glowing goofy faces will be sure to put a smile on the faces of everyone who walks by.
  2. Spruce up your doorstep. It might be too cold for some plants to survive and many summer flowers are no longer blooming. That means it’s an excellent time to purchase some mums and cornstalks to revitalize your walkways and front porches. The arrangements will add a fresh pop of color to your home. You can add a doormat, such as this “Hey There Pumpkin” doormat for even more fun.
  3. Make Your Patio a Cozy Hang Out. The days are getting shorter and colder so you may need to take steps to make your outdoor spaces more comfortable for you and your guests. Consider purchasing some string lights, an outdoor heater, and having blankets at the ready for those socially distanced fall gatherings.
  4. Get spooky with your yard. Due to the pandemic, more homeowners seem to be decorating their lawns, and we’re seeing a whole host of new lawn ornament options this fall. You can find everything from skeleton flamingos to gravestones to eyeball plant markers. For those participating in drive-through/drive-by Halloween events, these decorations are key. Feeling creative? You can spend a weekend outside (and socially distanced and masked, when needed) inventing your own yard decorations with family and friends. Scarecrows only require a bunch of leaves and some old clothes!
  5. Highlight your windows. One thing hasn’t changed. Most trick-or-treaters, if they come, will only see you house from the outside. You can really bring cheer to your home for Halloween by placing decorations in the windows such as these skull lights.
  6. Post an interactive sign. For those in towns doing socially distanced trick-or-treating, you can make your home stand out and connect with your neighbors by taping a blank piece of paper to your door above the candy bowl. Leave a marker and hand sanitizer nearby so people can leave messages for each other. After the event’s over, post the now-filled paper to social media. It will be a unique record of the times!

In sum, since certain Massachusetts towns and cities aren’t supporting trick or treating this year, it would be nice for neighborhood kids, and the community, in general, to see houses and lawns decorated so they can still enjoy Halloween — and there’s so many options for being creative and decorating!

As long-time roofing contractors serving the towns and cities below, we support our South Shore MA customers and the safety and well-being of your neighborhoods. We have more information about what it means to have your roof ready for fall as well as advice on supporting South Shore neighbors and businesses during the pandemic. If you’d like us to inspect, repair, install or replace your roof this fall, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here for any and all your home roofing needs!

  • Braintree, MA
  • Cohasset, MA
  • Duxbury, MA
  • Hanover, MA
  • Hull, MA
  • Kingston, MA
  • Marshfield, MA
  • Norwell, MA
  • Pembroke, MA
  • Plymouth, MA
  • Quincy, MA
  • Scituate, MA
  • Weymouth, MA





What It Means to Have Your Roof Ready For Fall

As the weather starts to cool off in the Greater Boston area, it’s time to prepare your roof for the winter season. It’s really important to get your roof ready to go while the weather is still good. Based on your needs – after reading the below – this fall could be a great time for you to start your next roofing project with our team at South Shore Roofing.

Here are our tips for keeping your roof in excellent shape this fall. Important Caution: Before you attempt any of this work, think about whether your fitness and flexibility level are where they need to be to get the work itself or inspections done safely by yourself or someone else living in your home. If not, hire an expert, or ask a friend or family member to help.

  1. Clean your gutters. Standing on a ladder, you can scoop out leaves, and any other debris that have collected in the gutter, with a small trowel. Use a bucket to store the leaves and debris. After you’re finished, flush out the gutter and downspout with a hose to make sure it’s all clear.
  2. Toss off debris. It’s important to toss any sticks, leaves, or even toys off the top of the roof before winter. Any debris left there could cause mold and rot once the snow falls.
  3. Inspect for damage. Walk around your home’s perimeter to check for sagging, buckled or curled shingles. Next, get up on your roof, so you can inspect for granule loss. If the shingles don’t have any texture on them, it means they’ve been damaged by severe weather and need to be replaced! Lastly, if you have an attic, be sure to check inside and see if any water is leaking down. Any leaks indicate that you need a roof repair in that area.

Once you or some other individual accomplishes the above task, first, congratulate yourself for being a responsible homeowner! Then, Contact South Shore Roofing if you need any roof repairs or a roof replacement.

Why You Should Contact Us Today About Your Home Roofing Needs

Early fall is one of the busiest times for roofing businesses because many people want to get their roof repairs or replacements scheduled and completed before the cold weather and snow arrive, so don’t wait to contact us. The good news is the cooler temperatures prevent our workers from getting overheated and allow for the shingles to seal properly. You can get your free estimate here, and our expert roofing contractor team will make every effort to accommodate your roofing needs. We’d love to have you on our schedule and make sure your home is ready for the New England weather this winter.


What Home and Business Owners Need to Know About Missing Roof Shingles

As New Englanders, we’re no strangers to storms. Wind, rain, sleet and ice can all leave a roof looking a little under the weather. After a storm blows through, you might notice a few asphalt shingles missing from your roof. Or maybe there is no storm, but you own a beautiful older home and some of the shingles are damaged or badly worn. You don’t think it’s a big deal, but then you start wondering. Will my roof leak? It’s definitely possible!

It’s important to get missing shingles replaced as soon as possible to prevent further damage and expenses down the line. Being proactive with your roof repair will save you hundreds of dollars and bring you peace of mind.

Why, Generally, a Missing Shingle is Cause for Concern

When shingles are missing it allows the wind to get between the roof deck and roof shingles causing the “non-missing” ones to lift and come unsealed. There is a one in three chance that the missing shingle sat above an open seam between the shingles below. The standard 3-tab shingles are installed side-by-side with each new row of shingles covering the top of the layer below and the side seams.

Shingles are installed in layers to wick water away from the wood underneath. Each layer is composed of 3-shingle sections that are laid next to each other, end to end. When roofers add new layers of shingles during installation, they stagger the seams so water can’t get in. If a shingle above a seam tears off, water can flow into the newly unprotected gap between the lower shingles, leading to rotted plywood and roof leaks.

Sometimes your missing shingle doesn’t reveal a seam, but your roof may still be in danger of leaking. The upper portion of the shingle has less protective mineral granules than the bottom. These granules protect the shingle from the sun. When the upper portion of the shingle is exposed, the UV rays might cause it to decay and the rest of the shingles will follow suit. This will eventually lead to leaking, water damage, and mold. No matter their placement on the roof, all missing shingles can lead to roof leaks. Generally, it’s best to address these issues as soon as possible.

The Details Behind Damage from Missing Shingles

  • Water: For a while, the felt paper below any missing shingles will shield your house from water damage. However, a missing asphalt shingle isn’t something you should leave unattended for too long. Left unfixed, you could be in danger, especially during heavy rain which can be common on Boston’s South Shore. Once under the shingles, water will rot the wood sheathing beneath. This can also harm your attic, ceiling joists, rafters, wall framing, and more. Rotting wood leads to structural instability in the home and seriously expensive damage. Leaking water is also a hazard because it leads to electrical issues and fire hazards when electrical systems are in close proximity to the leaking roof.
  • Mold: Mold and mildew can develop as a result of the moisture coming in through the damaged roof. Mold can ruin paint, walls, clothing, furniture, carpets, and rugs, not to mention cause health-related harm to people who have allergies or respiratory problems.
  • Ice: When the New England winter arrives, freezing water can lead to other issues. When the water which has entered the home freezes, it expands. This leads to cracks in the roof or framing of the house. It’s a slippery slope as the cracks allow more water to seep in – which makes the structure more unstable. You can read more about the impact of ice on roofs here, here, and here.
  • Increased Energy Bills: A roof with a hole in it is permeable. With a missing shingle, you will find it harder to keep your home warm or cold depending on the season and this will increase your energy bills.

How Our South Shore Roofing Company Can Help

As with many other home issues, it’s better to fix the problem of a missing asphalt shingle sooner rather than later. Our roofing contractor experts at South Shore Roofing can fix your home or commercial roof before it starts leaking. We’ll help keep your family, employees, or tenants safe and dry! So, please reach out any time to discuss roof damages and the best solutions.






Why Summer is The Perfect Time to Get Your Roof Repaired or Replaced

Summer is the perfect time for barbeques, beach trips, and picking up that paperback that you’ve had forever but haven’t gotten around to reading yet. The warm weather lends itself to rest, relaxation, and connecting with friends. It’s also the perfect time for checking those long-procrastinated home improvement projects off your list. Is one of those projects replacing or repairing your South Shore home’s roof?

You can hire a roofer at any point in the year, but there are quite a few reasons why summer is an ideal season to tackle this project in particular.

  1. The weather is consistently dry and warm enough to allow materials and tools to function optimally. Shingles need to set and seal and they can only do this at temperatures between 40 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Installing shingles in the summer will prevent shingles from getting cold, cracking and breaking.
  2. You can prepare for the harsh winter weather conditions in advance. When the sleet, snow, and hail come, you won’t have to worry about your roof leaking or your home sustaining any damages that might have been prevented had you replaced or repaired your roof sooner. We discussed the dangers of prolonging roof repair and replacement in our “Warning Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Roof” blog post.
  3. Summer conditions are safer for outdoor workers, in general, and the abundance of light allows our experienced team of roofing contractors to work longer days so your residential roof repair or replacement project will be completed faster. The dry, warm weather allows for more good work days and since we’re in New England, it doesn’t tend to get so hot that workers will get overheated if they take the right precautions, like staying hydrated.
  4. Since summer is such a great time for house roofing work, local stores will have a greater variety of shingles to choose from, so you can be sure that you get exactly the color and style of new roof that you want for your South Shore home!

Time slots are more limited in summer because it’s such a good time to do the work, so it’s better to schedule your roof replacement or repair project sooner rather than later. Our roofing company can help with residential roofing, commercial roofing, and storm damage. You can visit this page to get a free virtual or in-person estimate on your new project. And don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. The team at South Shore Roofing would love to discuss your roofing needs today!


10 Ways To Get Your Patio Ready for a Socially Distanced Summer

In these uncertain times, there’s no way to know exactly what the future will look like. One thing we can guarantee? You’ll probably be spending more time at home than usual in the coming months. On the bright side, the South Shore is going to be warmer which means spending time outside will finally be an option!

After you finish your spring cleaning, you may notice that your patio space could use some sprucing and fixing up. After all, the New England winters are hard and it’s taken a lot of energy just to adjust to social distancing and the stress of a global pandemic. Making a cozy patio space probably hasn’t been the first thing on your to-do list.

But your patio may be the coziest and safest place to invite small groups of family and close friends to gather this summer. If there’s one thing we’ll all need during the re-entry period, it’s definitely going to be a place to relax and settle in while the fireflies dance and the stars come out. Here are some ideas for spicing up your patio space so you can settle into spending more quality time with the people you love.

  1. Replace any old rotting deck boards and sand and re-stain your deck if it’s looking shabby. You can get this project done in an afternoon and it will prevent you or your guests from the unlucky surprise of falling through the deck or getting a splinter.
  2.  Replace your old moldy or faded cushions and pillows. There’s no need to buy all new deck furniture, but the cushions are important! Try buying statement colors instead of earth tones so your patio really pops against the greens and browns of the landscape.
  3. Add visual interest and save ground space with plants that climb fences or walls and hang from hooks. When you go to the plant store, you can talk with salespeople to find out which plants bloom at different times to ensure that your patio is colorful all summer long.
  4. Lay down an outdoor rug. If you don’t have time or energy to sand and re-stain this year, this is an excellent way to cover up surfaces that still need love or could just use a little more pop. Outdoor rugs are made of materials that withstand rain and moisture, so you can leave them there through any type of weather.
  5. Create shade and privacy with a pergola. These wooden archways are the perfect addition for a sunny yard. Plus, they are an excellent support system for climbing vines.
  6. Incorporate fountains to provide a soothing aesthetic. Fountains can be an expensive addition, but they don’t need to be. There are small fountain kits at many landscaping stores and they take up minimal space while adding a relaxing soundscape to your patio.
  7. Adding a firepit can provide entertainment and warmth on those cooler nights.
  8. String lights, lanterns, or torches will brighten the mood of even the most basic outdoor space.
  9. An arched trellis could be the perfect entryway to your patio. It will guide guests into the area and is another great place for those climbing plants.
  10. Feeling handy? There are lots of plans for building deck furniture with pallets. You can check out these instructions for a bar, a daybed, and a wall.

Related to making loved ones feel just that by creating an inviting hang-out space, get other ideas about how to support other South Shore businesses and neighbors here. As always, South Shore Roofing is here to help you improve the outdoor aesthetics of your home with a new roof or a roof repair. Don’t hesitate to reach out for advice or a virtual estimate. We can help you get started on your next project today!




How to Support South Shore Neighbors and Businesses Right Now

Regardless of when the Commonwealth of Massachusetts lifts or lessens stay-at-home orders related to the COVID-19 health pandemic, the need will remain throughout the rest of 2020 for South Shore business owners and neighbors to help and support each other. As we’ve all likely heard, unfortunately, it won’t be a matter of us blinking our eyes or snapping our fingers and “poof!” everything is back to the way it was pre-pandemic. There will be some long-lasting implications from Coronavirus, and some things will be forever changed. This all means that we will need to continue to look out for each other as we always have, here on Boston’s South Shore.

We’ve put together some ideas for supporting our neighbors and businesses, but please do share with us anything you believe we should add to this list. It is definitely not meant to be exclusive, but rather provide some food for thought regarding actions you can take that will make a difference in your South Shore neighborhood, and in the South Shore community, as a whole.





While Stay-at-Home Orders Remain in Effect

  • Continue to social distance. As you are out and about walking, biking, running, etc., leave 6 feet between you and others who you come across.
  • Greet neighbors you know and don’t know. Ask them how they are doing and share some positive or hopeful info. or news.
  • Ask how you can help. Check in with neighbors to see if you can grab them anything at the store or help in other ways, particularly neighbors who have compromised health or are elderly.
  • Schedule street meet-ups. Text or call your favorite neighbors to do a socially distanced meet-up in the street on a nice weather day.
  • Celebrate milestones. If a neighbor is celebrating a birthday, anniversary, a new baby or grand baby, make a sign with materials you have at home to show at their window or door, or that you can hang in their yard.
  • Hold off on home visits. Don’t enter into neighbors’ homes or ask them to enter yours.
  • Entertain passer-bys. Put fun things like stuffed animals in your yard or windows for children to get excited about as they are out walking or biking by.
  • Share inspiration or a smile. Create encouraging, thoughtful signs to post in your yard or windows to encourage others and provide a laugh, smile, or hope.
  • Support a local food bank. We all may have a neighbor who is struggling, but embarrassed to ask for help. Food banks allow recipients to remain anonymous. In addition to the Weymouth, Norwell, Hingham Interfaith, Braintree, Scituate, Canton, Marshfield, and Pembroke Food Pantries, you can donate to food pantries served by the South Shore Community Action Council’s Food Distribution Center that are listed here.
  • Help hourly workers who are unable to get paid because they can’t work right now. Check out South Shore Tip Jar:
  • Sign up for the site, if you don’t have a login.
  • Check regularly. See if there are any neighbor requests for help or information that you can respond to.

As Stay-at-Home Orders Begin to Lift

  • Continue to social distance, as described above, for a while, particularly with elderly and health-compromised neighbors. Better safe than sorry!!!
  • Keep the good neighbor practices above going!
  • Once stay-at-home orders have been lifted for a couple of weeks, if you have a need to make food for a neighbor, visit in their home, or have them visit in your home, wear a mask and ask them to do so, and make sure all parties are regularly washing or sanitizing hands.


While Stay-at-Home Orders Remain in Effect

  • Pay it forward by paying in advance. If prior to our pandemic, you received regular personal, home or business-related services, such as hair- and nail-related ones, or home or business office cleaning services, and you can afford to pay in advance for future services you’ll receive, check in with the individual or firm who provides them. They could really be hurting financially and such gestures could mean the difference between them opening up their business again post-pandemic, and more importantly allow them to put food on their family’s table.
  • Buy a gift card and give your favorite local business a lift. In keeping with the above, consider purchasing gift cards now from restaurants or other service businesses that you can use in the future.
  • Be proactive about asking for pick-up service. If there are other small businesses from which you purchase tangible items such as food, hardware, or home and garden supplies, if you’re not comfortable visiting their store-front, consider placing a pick-up/take-out order. We’ve found that even hardware stores are willing to take a pick-up order to avoid your having to spend time in their store. Why not at least ask if there are creative ways for you to place and receive an order.
  • Protect everyone’s employees. To keep restaurant, grocery store, and other businesses’ employees safe, wash or sanitize your hands before you enter their establishment and wear a mask.
  • Plan now for future home and business projects and needs. If you know you’ll have a need for future services related to your home and business, including renovation/improvement ones — take the time to reach out to appropriate organizations to get a quote/estimate on your work now. Many organizations, like us at South Shore Roofing, are offering virtual estimate services right now.

As Stay-at-Home Orders Begin to Lift

  • Continue to take action to keep the employees of businesses you visit safe, by washing or sanitizing hands and wearing a mask.
  • As your financial situation allows, shop locally. Purchase both intangible services and tangible goods and services from South Shore businesses to help stimulate the local economy and support the future viability of some of your favorite restaurants, salons, home contractors, etc. We know you’ll agree that it would be a shame to lose some of our local treasures and business experts due to pandemic economic impacts. And, the best way to ensure that this doesn’t happen is to support them when and how we can. Every little bit helps!

Speaking of helping, we are always here to to do so. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to ask us a question about roof repair, renovation, replacement, or installment.


Plan Now to Avoid Singing The Power-Outage Blues This Winter

It’s been two days of strong winds and snow in the New England region, as we write this post, and a good reminder to all of us living in the Region, and particularly, those living on Boston’s South Shore or in some other New England coastal area, that we should always make sure we’re well-prepared for a power outage.  Unfortunately, this somewhat common winter power-outage circumstance can leave businesses and families without heat, electricity, and/or communication services for one or many days.

Most of us hardy New Englanders and those who live on Massachusetts’ Eastern coast know how un-fun and un-safe (particularly for the elderly, young children, and those who are ill) not having power in the late fall and winter can be. Homes and businesses can get cold really quickly in our colder temps, perishable food like meat and dairy can go bad, and one can easily trip or get physically hurt for other reasons when you can’t see your way around your house or office after the sun goes down. Why not avoid, or at least minimize, all the aforementioned possible unpleasant — and potentially dangerous — impacts of a winter storm power outage by taking the following preparation steps.

Steps to Prepare for a Power Outage:

I. Ideally, weeks before a winter storm may hit and knock out power in your area:

II. In the days leading up to a predicted winter storm:

  • Think like a camper — purchase candles, flashlights, and battery-operated lanterns if you don’t already own some, and be sure you have matches and the right-sized batteries on hand for the aforementioned items. You may also want to purchase a radio if you don’t have one, and have batteries on hand for it.
  • Go nuts — if you don’t already have a decent supply, stash up on high-protein packaged items like nuts, canned goods like tuna fish, and jarred food like peanut butter that don’t require heating, and therefore, a power source. You’ll also want a good supply on hand of other non-perishable items like crackers, and a loaf or two of bread that should stay fresh for a number of days.
  • Act like a thirsty person — keep an extra supply of bottled water on hand and ask those you live with not to drink it, so it’s there when you need it!
  • Go down the family member checklist — make sure that any needs related to a family members’ physical and emotional health challenges will be met during a storm time frame when roads may not be drive-able or pharmacies open. Be sure family members have a sufficient supply of any prescription or over-the-counter medications or other treatments they may need to maintain their health.
  • Seek out the warm, comfy, cozy stuff — to prevent having to do so in the dark, identify where you’ve stored any thick blankets, sweaters, and socks for yourself and family members and consider moving them to a more accessible place. For example, if your surplus of blankets is stored in a basement closet that would require you to go down a set of stairs in the dark during a power outage, why not move them upstairs for the winter?
  • Don’t forget furry family members — make sure you have plenty of food in the house for your pets, whether they be four-legged creatures or ones that swim in a bowl or tank.
  • Fill up your tank — speaking of tanks, in case you need to vacate your home or business (that is if roads and weather conditions make it safe to travel) to stay at a shelter like a school, a friend’s or family member’s home, or a hotel, make sure you have plenty of gas in your car. And, related to cars, be sure to purchase and keep a cell phone charger that works in your car should you need to recharge your phone and are able to make it safely to your car to do so.

Our Team Of Residential Roofing Contractors Is Always Here To Help!

We’re always here to chat with you about ways to keep your roof, home, business, and family warm & safe this winter, but be sure to also check out our other “winter safety” blog posts:

Be Carbon-Monoxide Smart to Keep Loved Ones Safe This Winter

While we’re South Shore MA roofers who specialize in safety related to your residential roof or commercial roof, we want to do all we can to keep our New England neighbors safe on a variety of home and business fronts, regardless of the season! So, we’re sharing another in a series of posts related to home and business safety.

During the months of winter, how many times have you listened to the news and learned of a family that was made deathly ill, or that even perished, from Carbon Monoxide (CO) Poisoning? We always think such a thing could never happen to us, but that’s only true if we take the necessary precautions to keep our homes and businesses CO-safe, particularly during the months of winter when CO Poisoning impacts the largest number of individuals.

Why are CO-related deaths and emergency room visits so high in December, January, February and March? Due to extremely cold temperatures and/or power outages, more people use gas-powered furnaces and well as use inside their homes or offices alternative heating sources that weren’t meant to be used inside or in an enclosed space –- sources like charcoal grills or propane stoves and grills.

So, before snow starts accumulating and icicles start forming, and as you make preparations for the holidays and associated celebrations and visitors, add these to your to-do list:

  • Buy a battery-powered or battery back-up CO detector if you don’t already have one – one for every level of your home – and set them up there.
  • Unless you’ve had one in the last nine months, schedule a check-up with a qualified technician for your heating system, water heater, and other gas, oil, or coal burning appliances.

What To Do To Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning In The Winter

Once and while snow is in the air, on the ground, and on your roof, be sure to adhere to the following on an ongoing basis:

  • Keep vents and flues free, i.e., unblocked – whether it be from any kind of debris, snow or ice. This means furnace vents, intake valves and chimneys should be kept snow-free.
  • Related to what we shared at the beginning of our blog post, never burn anything in a stove or fireplace that is not vented.
  • Even when bitter cold or power outages hit, never use a hibachi, charcoal grill, lantern, or portable camping stove inside a home, tent, or camper. If it’s too cold to stay in your home, go to emergency shelters or centers set up by your town, such as a school.
  • Never heat your home with a gas stove.

What To Do To Avoid Carbon Monoxide Poisoning All Year Long

And, regardless of the time of year, make sure you follow these CO Poisoning Prevention Guidelines:

  • Never run the motor in your car, truck, or other vehicle in an enclosed or partially enclosed space, such as a garage.
  • Never run a motor vehicle, generator, pressure washer, or any gasoline-powered engine less than 20 feet from an open window, door, or vent – you don’t want exhaust to vent into an enclosed area.
  • The same guideline above for the same machinery/vehicles/tools above apply to a basement, garage, or other enclosed structure. Keeping the doors or windows open may not be enough to prevent CO poisoning. So don’t risk operating the aforementioned in these spots.
  • Recognize these symptoms of CO poisoning, including dizziness, light-headed-ness, and nausea.
  • Any time you suspect CO poisoning, or your CO detector sounds, leave your house or business, and call 911 or a health care professional right away.

Remember Carbon Monoxide Is An Odorless and Colorless Gas, So When In Doubt, Have Your Home or Business Checked Out! And, Be Sure to Read About What You Can Do on the Ice Dam Prevention and Ice Dam Removal Fronts to Keep Your Family Safe This Winter!